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Author: Action Alliance

Trafficking: Considerations & Recommendations for Battered Women’s Advocates

Added Wednesday, September 02, 2015 by Action Alliance

Advocacy for trafficked women differs from that provided to battered women and although advocates are accustomed to working with legal and social service systems, this work challenges the way they typically interact with systems and collaborate with other agencies or providers. These considerations and recommendations will assist programs already working with trafficked victims or programs thinking about doing so. Although boys and men are also trafficked and there are other ways women are exploited, this paper only focuses on women and girls brought in as a group for sex-trafficking.

Trans birth control information pamphlet

Added Tuesday, March 19, 2019 by Action Alliance

This brochure is for trans people who are interested in learning more about their birth control options. The brochure includes questions for providers, things to consider, and frequently asked questions about fertility and transitioning.

Published by the Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance and the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood.

Tri-fold brochure.

Transformative Justice Workbook

Added Wednesday, June 12, 2019 by Action Alliance

This workbook was collaboratively created by staff of the Virginia Anti-Violence Project (VAVP) and the Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance (Action Alliance) after 6+ months of conversations and a desire to engage our communities around Transformative Justice and how we both respond to and prevent violence outside of state-based systems that target and criminalize people of color ( particularly black people and communities), queer and trans people, poor folks, immigrants and undocumented communities, disabled folks, and other marginalized communities.

Click here to download the workbook.

Transformative Story Telling for Social Change

Added Wednesday, November 15, 2017 by Action Alliance

A Handbook: Why transformative storytelling approaches?

This online handbook provides conceptual reflections, practical experiences, and methodological guidance on transformative creative and visual storytelling methods. These creative storytelling approaches combine a participatory, collaborative methodology with the creative use of technology to generate stories aimed at catalysing action on pressing social issues. They are important, as they contain all these elements, to help us respond to key political, technological and cultural trends in our societies.

Click here to access the handbook.

Added Tuesday, January 08, 2019 by Action Alliance is a resource hub about ending violence. It offers an introduction to  transformative justice. Created by Mariame Kaba and designed by Joseph Lublink, the site includes selected articles, audio-visual resources, curricula, and more. The six main categories - transformative justice, summunity accountability, restorative justice, abolition, healing justice, and carceral feminisms - organize all the content on From here, you can explore gathered curriculum, articles, media & more.

You can use what is currently on the site, and submit recommendations to be added to the focus areas listed on the site. We hope you will use the materials to foster your own education and also share them with your communities to build something new. Only together can we transform our relationships to each other and society. We hope that this site helps in this effort.

Click here to visit the site.