Resources Library:

Protective Orders in Virginia - A Training

Added Thursday, November 06, 2014 by Action Alliance

Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance staff produced this power point presentation to train sexual and domestic violence advocates on the Virginia protective order process.  This 31-slide presentation provides an overview of the different types of protective orders, describes how individuals can petition for them and how they work, and includes links to relevant VA Code sections.

Protective Orders in Virginia - A Guide for Victims

Added Wednesday, March 27, 2013 by Department of Criminal Justice Services

A brochure intended to provide summary information regarding family abuse protective orders and protective orders covering other non-family abuse circumstances.

Q&A for Advocates and Attorneys Serving Immigrant Survivors of Gender-based Violence

Added Tuesday, December 13, 2016 by Action Alliance

Who is this document for?
This is a Question and Answer (Q&A) for domestic violence and sexual assault (DV/SA) victim advocates and attorneys who are serving immigrant survivors of gender-based violence, both undocumented survivors and survivors who may be eligible for VAWA self-petitions, U visas, T visas or applying for gender-based asylum. Keep in mind that this information may change as we learn more about the plans of the incoming administration. This document is not legal advice or authority, but rather, it is for informational purposes only, not for media distribution.

Why is this important for survivor safety?
President-elect Trump pledged to make several sweeping changes to immigration policy within his first 100 days. Several of those changes are related to the potential termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and increased enforcement and stricter penalties for those with criminal records and those who re-enter after a previous removal order. As of right now, we do not know whether the incoming administration will be specifically looking to make changes to survivor-based immigration relief. Nonetheless, staying informed about the national and local law enforcement policies and practices is essential to safety planning with survivors of gender-based violence (domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking). If you are a victim service provider who works with immigrants and want more information about local law enforcement immigration policies and practices, please contact the Domestic and Sexual Violence Coalitions in your state.

Read and download the English Q&A document here.

Read and download the Spanish Q&A document here.

Questions this document answers:

This document was prepared by Americans for Immigrant Justice, Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence, ASISTA Immigration Assistance, Casa de Esperanza: National Latin@ Network; Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, Freedom Network USA, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, Immigration Center for Women and Children (ICWC), Julie Marzouk Assistant Clinical Professor, Dale E. Fowler School of Law at Chapman University, Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women, National Immigrant Justice Center, Tahirih Justice Center, We Belong Together.

Queering Reproductive Justice: A Toolkit

Added Tuesday, February 27, 2018 by Action Alliance

This advocacy tool is intended for reproductive rights, health, and justice advocates who want to gain a solid understanding of repro issues within an LGBTQ context. It is also intended to help LGBTQ advocates frame their current work within a reproductive justice framework in order to build crucial alliances and advocate for the repro needs of LGBTQ people.

Race to Lead: Women of Color in the Nonprofit Sector

Added Friday, February 15, 2019 by Action Alliance

This report reveals that women of color encounter systemic obstacles to their advancement over and above the barriers faced by white women and men of color. Education and training are not the solution—women of color with high levels of education are more likely to be in administrative roles and are more likely to report frustrations about inadequate and inequitable salaries. BMP’s call to action focuses on systems change, organizational change, and individual support for women of color in the sector.