Resources Library:

Homicide-Suicide in Virginia 2006-2010: Who is at risk?

Added Monday, October 21, 2013 by Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

The Office of the Cheif Medical Examiner released a new report in June, 2013, titled Homicide-Suicide in Virginia 2006-2010: Who is at risk?  This report utilizes 2006 to 2010 data from the Family and Intimate Partner Homicide Surveillance Project to answer these questions: who is most at risk for domestic violence related homicide-suicide; and, what relationship characteristics create the most danger for homicide-suicide?  This and other reports from the Family and Intimate Partner Homicide Surveillance Project can be found here.

Homicide: An Analysis of Homicide in Virginia Among Those 50 Years or Older, 1999 – 2007

Added Sunday, December 19, 2010 by Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

A brief article examining intimate partner homicide in people age 50 or older which considers the following questions: (1)what were the characteristics of persons 50 years of age or older who were killed as a result of intimate partner discord or violence and (2) what were the circumstances surrounding intimate partner homicide events in which decedents were persons 50 years of age or older?
Published by: Virginia Department of Health, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. June, 2010. 14 pages.

Honeycomb Reflection and Share Out

Added Tuesday, August 27, 2019 by Action Alliance

In July 2019 the Action Alliance organized and hosted a week-long retreat for young advocates, activists, and artists ages 17-23 called the Honeycomb Retreat. Our participants (fellows) went to workshops on systemic and interpersonal violence, consensual communities, zines for visionary futures, and using herbalism practices to heal from trauma. They also went to art sessions during which they worked with local artists-in-residence to create art in response to the things they were learning in their workshop and their own personal experiences. The week ended with a visioning session where fellows had the opportunity to talk about their skills they bring to our movement, the barriers that impact their full participation, the resources and support they need from adult allies, and what they are excited to do next!

This is an informational and reflective zine that describes some of our goals, frameworks, and outcomes—as well as a general overview of what happened at the retreat and who was there. Please do not hesitate to reach out and connect on these topics!

Hopes and Changes

Added Tuesday, November 12, 2013 by Virginia Department of Social Services

This Power Point presentation was developed and presented by Anne Menard, from the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, for the Virginia Department of Social Services Office of Family Violence Promising Practices Conference on September 17, 2013.  

How Community Service Boards and Domestic Violence Programs Can Help Each Other

Added Tuesday, November 12, 2013 by Virginia Department of Social Services

This Power Point presentation was developed and presented by Martha Kurgan from the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services at the Virginia Department of Social Services Promising Practices conference on September 16, 2013.