Resources Library:

Fostering Community Resilience: Virginia’s Guidelines for the Primary Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence

Added Thursday, June 30, 2022 by Action Alliance

The purpose of Fostering Community Resilience: Virginia’s Guidelines for the Primary Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence is to assist local communities in creating primary prevention strategies that focus on identifying and dismantling the root causes of sexual and domestic violence. The Guidelines have been built on the foundations of two core concepts: social justice principles and public health models.

Visit for more information about each guideline, in addition to resources and tools for prevention program development. To download the PDF of the guidelines, click this link.

Published by the Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance, 2022. 34 pages.

Framing the Issues: Looking at the Opioid Epidemic in the Context of Trauma and Domestic Violence

Added Sunday, September 30, 2018 by Action Alliance

This timely and important webinar produced by National Resource Center to Enhance Safety of Native Women and their Children will provide an overview of what is known about the opioid epidemic and will focus on the specific concerns of Indian communities and tribal domestic violence programs and shelters. It will lay the foundation for the exploding opioid epidemic and will examine the intersections between trauma, domestic violence and the opioid epidemic and explore innovative approaches to addressing these complex issues.

Click here to view the webinar.

From Hurt to Hope: A Child Sexual Abuse/Assault Advocacy Guide

Added Tuesday, March 20, 2018 by Action Alliance

From Hurt to Hope: A Child Sexual Abuse/Assault Advocacy Guide: A guide from WCSAP (Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs) that provides foundational knowledge of best practices for advocates working with youth and their caregivers. The guide includes an overview of Child sexual Abuse/assault, general advocacy, medical advocacy, legal advocacy, system's coordination, information and referral, and crisis intervention.

Futures Without Violence

Added Wednesday, April 29, 2015 by Action Alliance

For more than 30 years, FUTURES has been providing groundbreaking programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women and children around the world.

Gender-Integrated Shelters: Experience and Advice

Added Friday, October 28, 2016 by Action Alliance

With the Violence Against Women Act’s new nondiscrimination provisions, more and more domestic violence shelters are considering expanding to serve all genders of survivors. Some shelters have housed male, transgender, and non-binary residents alongside non-trans women for years. How have they fared? What barriers did they have to overcome? What advice do they have for other shelters considering gender integration? This unique publication, published by FORGE, presents the results of in-depth interviews with 20 gender-integrated shelters, providing a thought-provoking roadmap for shelters wanting to serve all those in need.